Replacement Citroen Keys
Up to 1997 Citroen car models, Citroen car keys didn’t utilize keys with transponder chips and so, such keys might not require transponder chip programming services. This means that whenever you break or lose your car keys, our technicians will simply cut new keys you’re your car. If the key broke while inside the lock or ignition cylinder, the technicians will help you to extract the key and replace it.
However, later Citroen car models use keys with transponder chips. For instance, 2001 Citroen car models and later models use transponder keys with rolling codes such as Philips ‘type’ T14 or 46. If you ever lose such keys, you shouldn’t just contact any Auto Locksmith. Instead, you need someone who understands transponder chip programming. Contact us and we will send immediate help.
Keep in mind our services are delivered in time. Therefore, lost car keys or Broken Keys should no longer be a problem to you. This is because we are just a call away. For the most reliable, convenient and affordable services for your Citroen car, contact us.

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